Carbon Credits
Carbon Credits / Offsets are assets that can be purchased for speculation and / or to offset one's Carbon Footprint in an effort to mitigate the environmental crisis know as climate change. Click the link below for more information.
There are two forms of Carbon Credits, industrial and agricultural. R.E.D.D. credits (Reducing Emissions from Degradation and Deforestation) are a form of agricultural credits, which are GEC's primary focus. Click the button below for more information.
Carbon Credits are a Useful Tool to Compensate for Emissions that Cannot Currently be Eliminated or Residual Emissions.
Organizations are rushing to reduce their emissions and meet climate targets.
of these emissions are made up of carbon dioxide
Carbon Footprint
The total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions released into the atmosphere by a company, organization or individual
Carbon markets play an important role for many companies that want to voluntarily or are required to compensate for their carbon footprint
A snap shot of who participates in the carbon market and why
Two Types of
Carbon Markets:
Voluntary Carbon Markets
Where carbon credits can be purchased by those that voluntarily want to offset their emissions.
As demand to cut emissions intensifies, voluntary carbon market volume has grown five-fold in three years
Paris Agreement and COP 27
Companies seeking alignment with these goals
Technological Gaps
Companies are limited by technologies that are available at scale and are not cost-prohibitive.
Time Gaps
Companies do not have the means to eliminate all emissions so offsets play a key role in achieving carbon neutrality.
Stockholder Pressure
Companies are facing pressure from stockholders to address their emissions.
Compliance Carbon Markets
Mandatory systems regulated by government organizations to cap or offset their emissions for specific industries
Peaked your interest?
Get started on your Carbon Credit journey. Our fully secure and transparent asset purchasing system will allow for you as an individual or a company to fulfill your Carbon Credit needs and track in realtime how those credits are applied. The GEC process improves the environment by protecting the rainforest with a focus on deploying a significant portion of the proceeds to social programs, GEC supports and manages, that improve living conditions for the population and the wildlife in the regions we protect.
Get started now just click the grab my credit button below.
Voluntary and Compliance Markets 101
To start, there are Four Key Participants in the Carbon Market:
Project Developers
Groups who design and implement carbon offset projects that generate carbon credits used for emission reductions or removals
Standards Bodies
Organizations that certify and set the criteria for carbon credits e.g. VERRA, ICR, and the Gold Standard
Intermediaries facilitating carbon credit transactions between buyers and project developers
End Buyers
Entities such as individuals or corporations looking to offset their carbon emissions through purchasing carbon credits.
Want to Dive Deeper
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